What the party manifestos should cover on health and social care but probably won’t

David Oliver wrote an article on this in the BMJ(1). But he didnt mention clean air. I sent a rapid response saying …Surely we also need a Clean Air Election.Everyone took notice when 230,000 people died from Covid in the UK in the last four years. There was lots of money. Lots of ideas. Incidentally, also …

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We all need clean air – so we need a clean air election. Labour is ahead in the polls – which gives them space to do the Right Thing(s). Sadiq Khan’s election victory proved that sticking to principles can work – and that its not just Sadiq that’s not wedded to motonormativity. 1. So lets campaign! For much …

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PM2.5 and O3 act synergistically

bad effects of fine particulate matter PM2.5 and ozone multiply up. Through the intersection of existing inequalities in health, structural racism, and other forms of discrimination, climate change acts as a threat multiplier, exacerbating existing drivers of poor health for the world’s most vulnerable populations.

The THIRD WAVE: references

This 6 minute film explores inequalities in the Covid-19 pandemic – including my own shielding, BAME inequalities, and the slaughter in care homes. I’ve included some archive from the 1918 pandemic, created some specific new art, and included a few elements from the archive I have created of my own shielding. There’s more of the …

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