Love and resilience in Camden amidst Covid

Standing in my Luscious Fruiting Forest of Dreams

Details of Vanessa’s previous work are as in email Here below are brief details of some of my relevant pieces : Upcoming is: Lest we forget: a five minute two-hander live performance – is going to be shown in Cockpit Theatre in January 2022. Before that, chronologically: I made an intimate performance about my dad’s …

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My Covid-era work – so far …

Im sitting - in my shorts - in my installation. Theres a prisoner in Guantanamo orange ranting on her phone, a coffin with the corpse shown rotting on the side, and a vulnerable naked woman lying on the sofa. Theres lots more not visible here.

Here are brief details of most of my Covid-era pieces – so far:Starting from the first lockdown, being forcibly separated from my previous ‘normal’ helped (actually forced!) me to work with a range of new-to-me media – including installation, (prize-winning) film, mixed photo-drawing, and weaving. I’ve used these to reflect on my ever-changing lived experience in the …

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