Other examples of my previous work for 2022 Choreodrome residency

– The Deathbed skiing video I submitted in my application, followed a pilot in The Showroom, with the movement there shown in some 2D digital art : https://carolinemawer.com/deathbed-skiing/

Deathbed Skiing in The Showroom

Luscious Fruiting Forest of Dreams: the video here shows a later part of my Tara Arts performance:

– with the pilot shown in 2D here: https://carolinemawer.com/4-ultimate-living/ 

Heartbeat: showing Left to Right: soundwaves of clapping, dancer clapping the heartbeat. acorn germinating, writer reading the text, soundwaves of text

Third Wave: my prize-winning film: https://carolinemawer.com/third-wave/

Third Wave

I’m in cage … again: sound piece: https://carolinemawer.com/im-in-a-cage/ 
Dexter Bentley asked me to contribute a 2021 One Minute Wonder.
I submitted “I’m in a Cage … again“
All the 120 sound pieces are here. With my piece near 1:25:00

A barred and padlocked door. With a standard green Emergency Exit sign overlaid with a big red NO EXIT sign
Locked inside: a barred and padlocked door

Dancing trees: digital drawing on photos: https://carolinemawer.com/pillars-mirrors-your-communities/ 

Five winter trees against a blue sky, with interlocking roots drawn in
Dancing partners in the wood wide web
Looking across euston road towards the station , the ghosts of the murdered plane trees reach Xfar far up. In front, the vehicles have been ghosted
Looking across euston road towards the station , the dancing ghosts of the murdered plane trees reach far far up. In front, the vehicles have been ghosted

Safe as houses: installation: https://www.seasbrighton.org/post/life-interrupted-caroline-mawer 

Im sitting - in my shorts - in my installation. Theres a prisoner in Guantanamo orange ranting on her phone, a coffin with the corpse shown rotting on the side, and a vulnerable naked woman lying on the sofa. Theres lots more not visible here.
Sitting in my installation
white woman in shorts sitting on the floor clasping her knees looking down a paper perspective tunnel at a paper tree loaded with luscious bulging lemons.
Looking out at the lemon tree world

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